Monday, February 15, 2016

Blog 4

I chose to focus on a literature standard. That standard in particular is the multimedia literature standard. I chose this this standard because I thought it was cool that it shows you how to attach media to anything be it, poems, documents or books and more.  how standard that I have located and decided to use is the “Multimedia: Literature” standard. This standard is basically all about media and how to include/attach it into documents, books, poems, etc. If my students wanted to learn about that standard its easy to find at . That site is great beacause it also has several other standards my students could learn more about on there also.

Throughout my whole four years of high school and even some of middle school I have had to use and search for internet based resources several times. That was probably at least 20% of high-school. In my high school classrooms in South Florida we used ipads in our classrooms which was really cool because many of the assignments we had to would involve using the internet and incorporating it into the lesson. For example in my history classes if I needed to find a current event and used google I would search under the news section of google or if I needed an education related link  I would type in . edu in my search. When learning new material I have used free games and internet software to help me learn and memorize material just as the podcast talks about open source which is software that is openly available and free to use.

While I was working on the Web Hunt Assignment was how using quotations and other symbols like a question mark could help me find what I was looking for. Using quotations and question marks when needed helped several times in narrowing down search results. I definitely learned that word choice makes a huge difference and often the fewer words used would lead to better results

1. Find a social networking platform that isn't Facebook Myspace or Twitter
2. Find an aritcle that analyses themes in Catcher in The Rye (Hint: use google Scholar)
3. Find an article on Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders.

1 comment:

  1. Yes knowing how to attach media documents is an important skill all future/present teachers should learn how to do. It's a great tool for teachers to use in their lesson plan. Also, for students who are visual learners in order to understand the subject better.
