Monday, March 28, 2016

Blog Post 9

When looking at a flipped classroom you see the opposite of what youd see in a normal classroom. Homework occurs inside the class and instruction occurs outside. They listen to online lessons to prepare them for the activities they will do in class. This method allows for the teachers and the peers to be around the student while they do their work. The homework becomes the classwork which is another aspect of the flipped part. I think it’s a cool idea but some students will definitely need more hands on instruction than others so I don’t think a class could work entirely flipped I think it could work with some give and take aspects. I found some solid instructional videos at

The majority of web-based resources are either on scholarly sires that use correct information that is used to support in class lesson plans. When I’m a teacher one of the sites I’d plan on using would definitely be PBS since I want to work with kids. Any site usually ending with .org would supply accurate and informational data.

Working on this powerpoint assignment I learned a lot of new skills. I had no idea how to add hyperlinks and further more how to use them to make a non linear presentation. I thought it was really cool that I could make a picture into a hyperlink. It reminded me of Portkeys in Harry Potter. I enjoyed making my quiz and thought it was a really cool and creative assignment.

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