Monday, April 4, 2016

Blog Post 10

I think teachers could make great use of data collection tools. They include all types of graphs that measure different types of Data. Graphs are a very important part of showing data and can make the data easier to understand or read. Teachers will definitely have to use these data collection schools for pretty much every subject, especially when comes to calculating grades and measuring them. When I’m a teacher I could see these tools being very important in teaching math and science which are two fields I’m interested in teaching.

Looking at my classmates’ blogs was a lot of fun, I enjoyed reading their posts and seeing how much they had in common with the posts I made. My favorites were always reading the blogs that were posted about projects we had done because I could see the screenshot of their project too. It was really cool seeing everyone’s project was really unique to them

I really want to learn how to use Photoshop. It is definitely a technology related skill that I have very minimal knowledge of. I think learning Photoshop would be great for me personally but as a teacher I could use it to make appealing posters and a different way to decorate the interior of my classroom

I can use the resources I have at FSU to help me broaden my horizons on classroom technology. FSU still has so many resources I did not even know existed before I took this class. The tech sandbox could definitely be a great place to continue to learn about tools like the Smartboard. Though one of the best things I’ll always have at my disposal is the internet to learn about and watch tutorials on new technology and stay informed on topics.

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